My SQL and MS Excel, I need help.

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

If some body needs to convert data on Microsoft Excel to sql, how do they go about this? What is the process of converting data to sql? What exactly is the difference between oracle and SQL? And which is better from job prospect? What is new software in excel? Please help…

Answered By 0 points N/A #181847

My SQL and MS Excel, I need help.


Solution 1: The sample SQL statements that are used in this article demonstrate Create Table queries that import Excel data into a new SQL Server table by using the SELECT…INTO…FROM syntax. You can convert these statements to Append queries by using the INSERT INTO…SELECT…FROM syntax while you continue to reference the source and destination objects as shown in these code samples.

Solution 2: You can use the SQL Server Data Transformation Services (DTS) Import Wizard or the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard to import Excel data into SQL Server tables. When you are stepping through the wizard and selecting the Excel source tables, remember that Excel object names that are appended with a dollar sign ($) represent worksheets (for example, Sheet1$), and that plain object names without the dollar sign represent Excel named ranges.

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