Internet connection using ZTE router and a switch

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am using D-Link switch that connects my local network to my ISP with ZTE MF612 Wireless Router. But I was unable to get a internet connection when using the switch even though I have a firm connection. How can I be able to fix this?


Answered By 10 points N/A #119527

Internet connection using ZTE router and a switch


There may be a problem with your router. Sometimes Router hang & does not work properly. But it shows internet connectivity available. So you should check your router first. If you face same problem after that, You should configure your D-link switch & adapter setting of your connected PCs.

You need to allocate specific IP rather than the setting “Obtain IP automatically”. Go to “Network & sharing center” & change adapter setting. Put the setting like my uploaded picture. You need to put value in the “IP address” tab like that, if you put in a pc than you need to put in second PC. Hope it will solve your problem

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