How to You Develop a Plug-In

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

I want to start developing my own plug-in for a variety of applications. Kindly advise me on how to choose the most suitable language for this incredible project. Please also tell me why you prefer the language that you are recommending and please do mention something about the alternative languages that can be used as well.

Answered By 0 points N/A #189666

How to You Develop a Plug-In


Hello James!

Good day to you!

Before creating or developing a plug-in software or application you need to start from the basic.

Answered By 0 points N/A #189667

How to You Develop a Plug-In


Hello James!

Before creating or developing a plug-in software or application you need to start from the basic.

I am sure you have already acquired sets of skills now in most of the commonly known programming languages.

It will become very frustrating if you start from scratch or don’t have any background or nothing at all.

For me Java and Visual C++ is one of the best ever created programming languages.

If you started creating program with the above mentioned programming language then you’re in the right path.

What I am trying to point out here, computer programmers are well trained code designers. You need to start learning the “hard-to-understand” languages before jumping in to conclusion that you want to create plug-ins.

Visual C++ is one of the best and fastest language that can generate plug-ins. Visual C++ provides different cross-platforms and GUI (Graphical User Interface) that will come of great help in your task. One of the most widely known class support is JUCE.

This has been available since 2003 and widely used because you can implement plug-ins in most operating systems. Java programming can be alternative. Since Java is one of the most secured and stable programming language. 

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