GPU Freezing when playing games

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -

Hallo there,

I bought this GPU card NVIDIA’s GTX 780 Ti and slotted it in Dell XPS 8500 desktop, it was working okay for a few days then my games started freezing after every 30 minutes of continuous play, then it started narrowing down to five minutes, I have tried troubleshooting and I am not getting nay error reports, how do I stop this, and how does the GPU work, does it affect the main motherboard processor?

Answered By 0 points N/A #199533

GPU Freezing when playing games

NVIDIA GTX 780 is one of the highly hyped GPU card. 
You can try this and see if it works
  1. Go to 'Nvidia Control panel'.
  2. Click on: 'Manage 3d settings'.
  3. Select 'Program settings'.
  4. Select 'Program to customize".
  5. Find the executable of the game which you have problem, from the list, and select it by clicking on it.
  6. Keep it selected, Go to 'multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration'
  7. Change the settings from 'Multiple display performance mode' to 'Single display mode'.

Similar problem is faced by lot of people for a list of games. You can try with some lighter version games to see if same issue is there or not. You shouldn't worry about your processor.

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