Firefox OS- the advantages and disadvantages of the new OS

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

I heard that firefox is currently making an OS for mobile platforms. Do any of you have any information on that OS? I heard it will be very light weight and not heavy on storage as everything will be done through cloud services. Can anyone provide me with further details on this project?

Answered By 0 points N/A #186490

Firefox OS- the advantages and disadvantages of the new OS



Yes, the one you heard about “Firefox” is that they are currently an operating system for mobile platforms. The “Firefox” operating system is in the market and you can download it from the android market or from the apple store. The “2.1.0 version” of the “Firefox” operating system has been released in the market.

Yes, it is a very light weight, very light on storage and everything will be done through cloud services. The details of the “Firefox” operating system are as follows:

·         Version: 2.1.0

·         Written in languages: HTML5CSSJavaScript, C++

·         Operating System family: Firefox OS and Open Web.

·         Source model: Open source.

·         Platforms: ARM, X86.

·         Kernel type: Monolithic.

Hope this answer will help you a lot.

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