Create a visual basic program

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

How to write a program that will display the periodic table of elements? The atomic symbol and atomic number should be the only information visible in your table.

And a pop-up message containing the atom name, atomic weight, density, melting point and boiling point of each element should appear once the element symbol is clicked.

Periodic table of elements
Answered By 0 points N/A #160534

Create a visual basic program


1. I assume you are using Visual Basic 6.0 and created a solution that might be very easy to do, just check the attached picture and see if it will work, otherwise, you are using VB .NET, which I haven't done a solution for.

Anyway, it would just be pretty same with the .NET thing, just a little modification of the code, same design could be applied.

Just follow the procedures and refer to the picture attached below to get what I am trying to say.
Hope it had helped you somehow.
  1. Open VB 6.0 /.NET.
  2. Standard EXE (6.0)/Windows Form Application (.NET).
  3. Design the interface.
  4. Put in square shapes.
  5. Put labels and change their captions.
  6. Do these to complete your design in replicating Periodic Table.
  7. Code the program.
  8. Double click the symbol of the element.
  9. The code editor window will be shown.
  10. Type the code for each element and change the values indicated.
  11. Run and test the program if it does the prescribed output.

Hope it had helped you somehow.

Design the interface-Put square shapes-Put labels and change their captions-code the program Symbol of element-The code editor window-Type the code for each element and change the values indicated- Run and test

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