Converting .gif to .jpg to full size image for birthday wishes

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

How is it possible to convert a .gif file to .jpg in photoshop to a full size image for birthday wishes without distorting the quality, providing the step-by-step procedures used to perform the same?

Best Answer by edwinvillarente
Answered By 0 points N/A #151163

Converting .gif to .jpg to full size image for birthday wishes



Hi there,

To change the format of .gif to .jpeg files in Photoshop,

  • Convert it to rgb, in the image and then mode.
  • Go to file, then click save as.
  • Select .jpg and then save.
  • In the saving process, the quality will show. Click ok, do save it.

There are also other ways to solve it. You use picture manager, paint and other software.

Just save it as .jpg or .jpeg


Answered By 0 points N/A #151164

Converting .gif to .jpg to full size image for birthday wishes



Go to file and select open option give the path of the required file. You will see that the required file is displayed in Photoshop when you will press ok.

 Now click file and go to save as option.

You will see a lot of options like .psd, .jpg, .gif etc.

When you click .JPG and press save.

Give the required path where you want to save.



Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #151165

Converting .gif to .jpg to full size image for birthday wishes


According to your question, YES! It is possible to convert a picture without distorting the quality and converting it into another picture format. But before that, we have two things to keep in mind before resizing images:
Aspect Ratio: is the ratio of the horizontal to vertical dimension of the image. There are commonly used aspect ratios:
A. 1:1 (120mm, Medium Format)
B. 3:2 (35mm, Film Camera)
C. 4:3 (Digital Cameras, DSLR’s)
D. 16:9 (HDTV and Widescreen)
Resampling: it refers to the process of resizing an image / changing the resolution by adding or removing of pixels in a pictures.

Here is the step by step tutorial how to stretch a photo using Photoshop:
1. Open an image in Photoshop.
2. Open Image -> Image Size Menu(Press Alt + Ctrl + I )
3. Modify the size of the image by changing the number of pixels as you want.
4. See the Constrain Proportion checkbox and use it to retain same aspect ratio (and prevent distortion).
5. See and Use the Resample Image checkbox to resample the image for resizing to prevent quality degradation)
6. Click OK and your done.
Here is the step by step tutorial how to convert a GIF image to JPG:
1. Open Photoshop.
2. Click Open Tab and locate your GIF file in the resulting dialog box and open it by double-clicking it.
3. Click Image Tab in the top menu bar and select “Mode”. Choose “RGB Color” from the list of options.
4. Click the “File” Tab in Menu Bar and select Save As.
5. Click the “Format” drop-down menu and select the “JPEG” option.
6. Give the Image a New file name -> Save location ->Click Save button
7. Select your preferred settings from the “Image Options” and “Format Options” sections of the dialog box the follows and click “OK”.
8. Now your Image has been converted from GIF to JPEG.

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